Friday, October 4, 2013

The Specificity of God’s Love

I recently took a trip to my now favorite spiritual retreat location at a place called “Corhaven” in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia.  Growing up in the Bible belt and smack in the middle of Christian camp central, I’ve been on many retreats in my day but this one was different.  About a year ago, I took my first trip to Corhaven and arrived with much anxiety. It was shortly after the birth of my second baby and I felt like it was a bad time to spend the day away.  I also knew that at the retreat we were to spend the afternoon in silence. Yes, silence

With a newborn and a 2 year old, I had not experienced silence in a very long time.  And the thought of it actually made me nervous. What would I do with myself for 3 hours? What would I think about?  I knew it was meant to be a time to commune with God…talk to Him, listen to Him, experience Him.  I was nervous what God might say or what I would say to him.  But since my husband had my bag packed at the door that morning (I guess he knew something I didn’t), I took a deep breath and started my drive out to the Shenandoah’s. 

It was a beautiful day and the morning was great, led by the Rev. Bill Haley who gave us direction and things to think about in how to be in God’s presence.  I was still nervous about the afternoon but I decided to just relax and try and enjoy the time of quiet.  Corhaven is a beautiful little spot with a warm farmhouse, abundance of trees, walking paths, clucking chickens, and a creek.  As I began my walk through the woods, I asked God to open my mind and spirit to what He had to show me. 

As I was walking, I noticed all the many different types of trees and different types of leaves.  Not that this was something new that I had never seen before but I thought to myself, “Wow, there are so many different ones…different colors, different shapes, different sizes.”  I considered how specific our God is in His creation.  My mind was immediately taken to the specific characteristics of both my children.  I remember vividly when my first child was given to me after he was born that he had this perfect little swirl of a cowlick on the top of his head.  I love, love, love, his little swirl. And now he is older and I thoroughly enjoy combing it so it is plain sight.  I thought of my newest baby and his pouty lips, his birthmark on his leg…so many details, so much thought put into their creation.

            David’s Psalm came to mind, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made…my frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of the them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” (Ps. 139: 14, 15b, 16) It is overwhelming to think of God the Creator being mindful of us.  But yet, He is mindful in a very specific and meticulous way. 

            Although, I have had the privilege to grow up always being taught that God loves me, this experience was particularly powerful to me.  His love is specific. He love is too deep and too numerous to measure.  It is beyond my comprehension.  In a New York Times article a few years ago it described the difficulty to keep count of the many species on the earth and how new ones are cropping up each year.  “Each year, researchers report more than 15,000 new species, and their workload shows no sign of letting up. ‘Ask any taxonomist in a museum, and they’ll tell you they have hundreds of species waiting to be described,’ says Camilo Mora, a marine ecologist at the University of Hawaii….They estimate there are 8.7 million species on the planet, plus or minus 1.3 million.”  Astounding that God is still creating and we are unable to keep up!
            It is transforming when we deepen our understanding of God’s vast love.  It transforms our perspective of who we are, our purpose in life, and the world around us.  Bill Haley recently said, “Its early fall now and in the coming weeks the leaves of the trees will undergo their change of clothing...from green to red to orange to gold. And then they’ll fall to the ground at our feet.  I am reminded of Walt Whitman’s observation about such leaves. He said ‘I find letters from God drop’t in the street - and everyone of them is sign’d by God’s name.’”

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,
 the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
 human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.” Psalm 8:3-5

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